We're into day seven, and though I have yet to complete the daily assignment, I'll make a comment or two about it now, and complete it before I turn in for the day.
Day 6: Twitter
We were asked to create a twitter handle that was as close to our byline as possible. That being said, the same issues surfaced as did my issues with the domain. (I have a very common name.)Luckily, I was able to at least get something close (if a bit presumptuous) . . . @eajohnsonwriter
It was the best I could do. That being said, I'm not very good at tweeting. I feel the need to come up with something sagacious. Oh well, hopefully I'll get a bit better as I go along.
Day 7: Tweet
So today, we're asked to respond to 3 tweets . . . embarrassingly enough, I hadn't thought about that.
I figured the goal of getting your name out there was getting your own words out there, when there is really so much more to it than that.
I'm a bit taken aback with myself that my ego (which is know to be overgrown a bit anyway) would look at twitter as a way just to get my ideas out there without paying homage to the ideas that helped me get to where I am.

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